
Sep 27, 2013

Post From Kinibalu

Helllooo Amoi lol XD
now im at kinibalu , malaysia bahh. the languange here is funny.. amoi amoi bahh
and mixture it with bahasa, melayu, english, and mandarin.. confused :$
sorry for a long time post.. i will be out from indo in 2 weeks
cant update the blog in here without my lappie.. im update with my aunt computer now
steal it lol.:P
i will sharing my holiday experience next time. hahahahaha...
sorry cant update now  ok ;)

have a nice holiday everyone. dont miss me :*

Arigatou ja ne :D

Sep 18, 2013

Review Vulcaman-Z and Sang Sayuran

yoo yoo yoo everybody ヾ(^∇^)
Cuma pembukaan doank yang bahasa Inggris, skrg saya pake Bahasa. Waktunya diskriminasi orang luar hahaahaha#slapped
OK semuanya, kali ini saya akan review kedua komik dari Indonesia. Saya mulai ngantuk jadi agak cepat aja yaa :D
Cover Vulcaman-Z

Maap ya fotonya miring, hahahha.. Ok, komik ini ditulis oleh Galang Tirtakusuma. Saya sempat bertemu dengan orangnya di AFAID 2013. "Kayaknya" murid dari Is Yuniarto. Kayaknya loo ya, klo salah ya maap :P  Jadi cerita ini tentang seorang remaja yg hidup biasa saja n akhrnya mendapatkan kekuatan untuk menjadi lebih baik lol. "Jika kalian membaca pasti akan mengerti". Genrenya adalah comedy dan sdkt action. Namun comedy yang dibuat terkesan maksa. Bagi saya loo, tapi mgkin bagi anak2 SMP saya rasa cocok dgan selera humor mereka. Bukan ngejek tapi waktu saya SMP memang komik yg lawak2 sdkt saja sudah ketawa wkwkwkw. Meskipun begitu, saya tetap mendukung mas Galang untuk tetap berkreasi lg dalam membuat komik. Saya cuma memberi saran saja hahahaha (-_-)ゞ゛

Cover Sang Sayuran

Komik kedua adalah Sang Sayuran,komik ini ditulis oleh SYS(gak tau apa tuh artinya) tapi saya ada bertemu juga dengan pengarangnya. Perawakannya kek ibu2 gitu mgkin umurnya 30 (Maap klo salah :P). Loo kok gak nyambung ama review komik seh.. Haish maap kebiasaan (・∀・)
Ceritanya tentang keseharian dari bawangputih bersama teman2nya. Genrenya hmmmm, drama school life. Cocok buat komik anak kecil, bener deh. Masalahnya komik ini banyak mengajarkan nilai persahabatan dan moral gitu.. Jadi buat saya seh yaa loe tau sendiri gitu deh (Alay)#slapped
Oh ya, komik ini juga menang sebagai Komik Internationalis Award. Pengarangnya memberitahu saya makanya saya langsung membelinya hehehhe..

Sekian review dari kedua komik trsebut. Jgan lupa bli komik ya biar bisa memajukan komik Indonesia. Oh ya, gara2 ada kata alay saya mau bertanya nih. Bahasa Inggris Alay apa ya. Temen saya ada yang bilang overlyacting -_- tapi ada juga yg bilang kiteboy !? Alay kan anak layang jadi inggrisnya kiteboy kata teman gue... Gile aja tuh anak tapi sempet buat perut terkocok dulu gara2 istilah Kiteboy lol (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

Arigatou, ja ne ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Sep 16, 2013

Dragon Ball Z Battle of Gods

hello everbody ヾ(^∇^)
Today i have just watched newest Dragon Ball movie
so i will share a little bout this story
Picture Dragon Ball Movie

This story is after Majin Buu scene, Bills the God of Destruction wake up from his long sleep by Ui's and dreaming about Super Saiyan God. Coz his dream and story from Ui's, Bills becomes interesting looking for Saiyan God. Bills known as a strongest fighter in universe even king Kai wet himself when met him.

The story was standard, but the battle scene !! I really love it. Always change the battlefield. And the camera looking was unique. Even though i have little confused in few scenes. hahahah :D

I will share the link download :
Torrent (468MB) : Dragon Ball Z Movie Battle of Gods
Bluray Torrent (3.73GB) : Dragon Ball Z Movie Battle of Gods
Indowebster (100MB) : Dragon Ball Z Movie Kami to Kami

nb : Torrent doesnt need download subtitle

Hope u watching it coz it really brings back old memories. Especially kamehameha :D

Arigatou, ja ne( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

Sep 15, 2013

Lulus !!!!!!!!

Akhirnya setelah penantian 1 tahun lulus juga fak !!!!!!!!!
Motafaka at last hahahahahahha
Still revisi a lot but at last !!!!
Thanks, love all muach muach muach muach :* :* :* :*

Sep 14, 2013

Review Garudayana

helloo semuanya ヾ(´・ω・`)
Karena hari ini adalah launching buku Garudayana vol 2 di toko buku maka saya spesial langsung mereview komiknya. Saya sudah membeli buku vol 2 pada saat AFA namun baru skrg mereview. Maklum la sibuk itu selalu dekat dengan hidupku muahahaha#slapped

OK langsung saja ya
Cover Garudayana Vol 2 (penerbit baru)

Tandatangan Is Yuniarto (pamer dikit)#slapped

Nah sblum masuk saya mau menjelaskan dulu. Anda pasti bertanya "Kok dibuat ulang lagi", "Bukannya dulu udah terbit sampe vol 4", etc. Saya sudah bertanya ke mas Is nya dan dia mengatakan bahwa sekarang penerbit komik garudayana beda sama yang dulu. Kontrak sama yang lama udah habis. Tapi jangan sedih dulu, di komik yang baru ini terdapat konten baru dan kualitas gambar benar2 diperbaiki daripada buku dari penerbit sebelumnya. Buku yang baru pun lebih besar dan kualitas kertasnya bagus heheheh
Cover Garudayana vol 1 (penerbit lama)

Nah kembali ke review, Jalan ceritanya tentang Kinara seorang pemburu harta karun yang dengan tidak sengaja menemukan telur Garuda. Garuda kecil ini sempat menolong Kinara namun ia masih belum bisa mengendalikan kekuatannya. Kinara pun membantu Garuda untuk mendapatkan kekuatan lagi. Tipe cerita ini adventurer dengan adanya lawakan. Tema nya wayang dan nama tokohnya anda pasti sudah kenal seperti gatotkaca, arjuna dll. Gambarnya bagus dan teknik penceritaanya menarik. Garudayana ini adalah kisah beberapa tahun setelah The Grand Legend Ramayana (re:ON). Ada nyambung2 gitu hehehe. Makanya saya membeli re:On plus Garudayana. :D

Sekian review tentang Garudayana, jangan lupa membeli komik ini dan hari ini launching re:On vol 2 juga loo (meskipun saya sudah punya hohohohoho (*≧艸≦))#slapped
Maju terus komik Indonesia !!

Terimakasih, sampai jumpa ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

My Last Battle

Tomorow i will face something that i feared amost
Last exam for my Pharmacist degree, thougt i dont really care bout this degree but im still scared
I have to passed this obstacle so i want gone holiday with no worries and done my new hobby :D
Today i will study full so i can pass it.

Ahh, im just finish reading Danny-choo* article. Really helping me to get support and looking for what i really want. The article said "Are u lived as what u really wanted to be ?". I like the statement about "if u live with hearing people said what u must do or dont, that will become ur habit and u will give ur life to others-not ur life". This statement really opens my mind what i wanna do, i dunno my decision to got master degree in Thai is really what i want. I still wanna think bout it again. So i hope u all who read this will thinking again bout ur decision. "Its really what u want, or its just to give satisfied others bullshyt".

hahahahha sorry for serious article now. I just wanna share my experience and though to all my reader blog XD . Dont ever regret ur decision ok. Just face it and before make decision plis think it first

Arigatou, ja ne ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

nb * : Danny choo is Director for Culture Japan. Creator of Mirai Suenaga. Member of the Japanese governments METI CIIC. He really aspires me alot :D

Gyaru Style

Gyaru (ギャル) is a Japanese transliteration of the English word gal. The name originated from a 1970s brand of jeans called "gals", with the advertising slogan: "I can't live without men", and was applied to fashion- and peer-conscious girls in their teens and early twenties. Its usage peaked in the 1980s and has gradually declined. The term gradually drifted to apply to a younger group, whose seeming lack of interest in work or marriage gained the word a "childish" image. It is now used almost interchangeably with kogyaru and younger generations may consider it clichéd or even archaic.

What Is Gyaru ?

Gyaru is a Japanese Street Fashion. The common name that people know is ganguro. Ganguro is no longer popular in Japan. It has transformed into something bigger, and more refined. Gyaru is a huge uproar of girly-glam style, breaking all the rules of "what's pretty", and dwelling in a party of man-made beauty (wigs, fake lashes, fake nails etc). Gyaru also is heavily inspired by Western features/fashion. Some popular gyaru icons are Tsubasa Masuwaka, Aina Tanaka, Kumicky, Kaoru Watanabe,and Sakurina.

Varieties of Gyaru

  • Agejo/Kyabajo: Agejo is a very glamorous, and sexy style. Generally worn by your typical hostess, not limited to hostess. The ideal is to be flawlessly glamorous, and desirable . Emphasizing on enlarging, and enhancing the eyes with circle contact lenses, with several sets of false eyelashes. Hair style is always styled as in updoes, curls, extensions, wigs etc. Very common for agejo's to wear a couple wigs at the same time. This style is very feminine. Two steps away form being Hime-Gyaru. Agejo is a little more skimpy, but classy.

  • Bibinba (ビビンバ): This look usually includes a lot of gold, and jewellery. Similar to b-gal.

  • Manba (マンバ): deep tan and contrasting white make-up. Their hair is usually pastel-colored or blonde, and very long and back-combed. Their clothes are neon and layered.

  • Banba (バンバ): Is a lighter form of manba. Banba wear less of the white makeup than manba, also use more glitter, and have a less neon hair colors.Banba's use more extreme-looking types of false eyelashes, and colored contact lenses. Some thing that banba wear a wear more darker colors(healthy amounts of color still just not as dramatic as manba though),and Club wear.

  • Baika / Bozosoku: Biker style is characterized by lots of black/bright colors, leather, chains, and plaid. (Similar to Rokku Gyaru)

  • Gaijin gyaru: foreign girls who follow gyaru fashion.

  • Ganguro (ガングロギャル): a gal with an artificial deep tan and bleached hair. This style was popular in the late 1990's, and early 2000's.
  • Gyaru-kei (ギャル系): Is the modern general gyaru style. It has many substyles such as Amekaji(American Casual), Goshikku(Gothic), Saike(Psyche), Bohemian(Hippie), Rokku(Rock/Metal), and Haady(Punk/Cyber), which a creation of Egg magazine that includes bright, wild prints tied in with a raver/punk style fashion.

  • Gyaruo (ギャル男): the gyaru's male counterpart.
  • Himegyaru (姫ギャル): girls who dress as princesses. Hair colours vary from blonde to black and is usually very big and teased. They wear expensive clothing from brands such as Liz Lisa and Jesus Diamante.

  • Oneegyaru (お姉ギャル): a gyaru who has graduated from high school, and thus become a more mature onee-san (literally "elder sister" but, here, "young lady"). The style is more sophisticated.

  • Onii/Oniikei (お兄、お兄系): is the male equivalent (older brother), can be confused with Visual Kei style. Onii Kei, can also be worn by women also. More sophisticated Visual kei, and Gyaru-o look.

So what do u think bout gyaru style ?? Many variation right XD
What gyaru style do u prefer ?? Maybe i will try gyaruo style sometimes hahahaha#slapped
I just wanna share, hope u like it (^v^)

Arigatou, ja ne ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

Sep 13, 2013

Anime Festival Indonesia - Third Day

hello everybody   (。・ω・)ノ゙
miss me already ??? i hope so hahahah#slapped
sorry for the late post about my next experience in AFA (Anime Festival Asia)
u know la, im a busy person hahaha#slapped

ok so lets start the story of my lonely boy gone to AFA jeng jeng jeng  ヾ(。´・_●・`。)☆
as usual,i came late coz the traffic in Jakarta really super busy
i came at 13.00 and i cant watching puella madoka magica movie 2 щ(ಠ益ಠщ)
my mood really bad, so i better looking for the next show in stage

the main stage was BIMA !!! its like kamen rider version Indonesia
im always watching BIMA show at sunday morning. i hope u watching it too, its so cool n the story become more interesting hahahaha.
in stage theres Reino R Barrack(writer of Bima), ishimori crew(dunno his name), Bima actor without StellaJKT48
From left to right :
Danny, Stella, Reino, Crew Ishimori, Rayhan, Adhitya

Bima Costume

Sorry because the photo is blur. i took it from far away and theres so many people. The real costume really shiny n gallant. This show really made my mood up (-^〇^-)

After that im went  walking around for the booth especially Sword Art Online and Madoka. Theres no interesting in Madoka booth, maybe because no accesories that i want hahahaha. In SAO booth i need to queue coz theres so much people wanna come to this booth. So when waiting i took some photo at display
Kirito Blade (1)

Kirito Blade (2)

Asuna Blade

i wanna bought it but its not for sale. Poor me huhuhuhu ((T.T; )
ahh, i bought 1 accesory from SAO booth.
Asuna Keychains

After satisfied in both booth, i went to food market. So hungry la
i have tested 1 beef rice (forgot the sop name) and its sooooooo tasty. u can get it for 32000 Rupiah. i just remembered the shop began since 1890's. i wanna test that beef again. sorry forget to took the photo. really hungry la. XD

I wanna go to maid cafe again but the queue as usual very long. But i miss comi already (*°∀°)=3 huhuhuhu.. And i remembered my wallet got malnutrition. So maybe i went up and watching new Conan movie : Private Eye in the Distant Sea to save my money. The villain really easy to guess it. So easy, people like me can guess it right. And the story i said was standard. I dunno but the stage really cold !!! i cant stand it. Better went to maid cafe and play jankenpon again with comy :3
Cover Conan Movie

I will share some cosplay photo in Sunday. Looks amazing and more of people than Friday


Kamen Rider

Moe Maid

Dunno What lol

Ninja in Naruto

Richfield ! Cool Rite

Thats to bad that i must go to airport. Ahhh i dont wanna leave AFA 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。
I just playing for 4 hours in AFA and i cannot seen Danny choo session n cosplay competition. huaaaa...

The last thing that i want tell is bout Otaku Unite lol (・∀・)
Its flashback when friday,the first day AFA. Theres a guy who lost his doll, 2 dolls. I heard it was limited edition. So in exit gate he told everyone to help him looking his dolls and whoever found it will be rewarded 1million rupiah or 100$ !!! Thats very lot right. Afterthat when Sunday, i met him with his doll in his shoulder and hes smiling. The doll has founded lol. What interesting is he send letter to Indonesia ambassador and he proud with people that helping him,mostly Otaku i think :p
This is the link of the letter
After read it im proud to be an Otaku. Thats why i call it Otaku Unite ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆

Thats all for the story of the third day AFA. I just wanna share my experience to u all !!

Arigatou, ja ne (。・ω・)ノ゙

Sep 12, 2013

Review re:ON

hello semuanya  ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
karena kali ini saya mereview komik Indonesia maka saya akan menggunakan Bahasa
saya diskriminasi orang yang tidak bisa Bahasa hahaha

ok yang pertama apakah re:ON itu ?
re:ON sejenis kumpulan komik2 dalam 1 majalah namun hanya 1 chapter saja
komik2nya terbatas hanya komik dari pengarang Indonesia saja (Shonen Jump versi Indo) (*´・v・)
Cover re:ON Jilid 1

gimana ? covernya keren bukan  O(≧∇≦)O
buatan orang2 indo loo

Nah untuk isi ceritanya ada 4 cerita yaitu :

  1. The Grand Legend Ramayana
  2. Lemon Leaf
  3. Platina Parlour
  4. Cyborg Idol Rinka

The Grand Legend Ramayana dibuat oleh pengarang Is Yuniarto ato pengarang dari Garudayana
Gambarnya sendiri sangat bagus, dan jalan ceritanya cocok buat yang suka dgan adventure. Apalagi di cerita ini menyuguhkan tema wayang dengan gambar dari manga. Sangat unik dan fresh. Recommended !!! 
Cover The Grand Legend Ramayan

Yang kedua adalah Lemon Leaf, ditulis oleh Rii Wels ato dengan nama asli Mary Christi. Jalan ceritanya tentang seorang gadis yang baru saja pindah SMA namun selalu saja diganggu dengan ketua OSIS. Ceritanya cocok buat refreshing dan mengambil tema Komedi School life. Yah menurut saya sih standard tapi cocok juga untuk diikutin.
Cover Lemon Leaf

Platina Parlour, adalah komik ketiga dari re:On. Ditulis oleh Angie & Kate Yan. Jalan ceritanya tentang bagaimana kisah kehidupan para butler dan menangani pelanggan (cwe). Nah komik ini sangat cocok bagi para cwe dan karena saya cwo jadi saya kurang tertarik dengan komik ini ahahhaha#slapped
Cover Platina Parlour

Dan komik terakhir yaitu  Cyborg Idol Rinka yang ditulis oleh Kami (Kristoforus Marvino) dan Kaari Karina. Ceritanya tentang seorang bocah yang sok2an mau menjadi hero tapi malah ditolong seorang idol. Komedi dan lawak banget. Saya suka dengan komik ini dan akan terus mengikutin ceritanya hahhaaha
Cover Cyborg Idol Rinka

Keempat komik tersebut adalah cerita dari re:ON, namun masih ada lagi cerita2 kecilnya namun tidak saya bahas. 

Jilid 2 juga akan saya bahas namun akan terbit pada pertengahan September. Saya beli ini waktu berkunjung di AFA looo#sombong.(maap fotonya pake kamera hape) (シ_ _)シ
Cover re:ON Jilid 2

Isinya adalah lanjutan dari keempat komik dari jilid 1 sebelumnya, namun ada pendatang baru(#cieeee) yaitu Galauman. Ditulis oleh Ockto Baringbing dan Ino Septian. Isi ceritanya sangat singkat namun sangat lucu dan lawak habis hahahaha. Berkisah tentang superhero yang hanya bisa berubah jika galau saja !? sangat unik dan very recommended
Cover Galauman

Boleh juga kan komik2 dari pengarang Indonesia hahahaha
Jika penasaran silahkan dibeli di toko buku terdekat re:On ato kalian bisa kunjungi website
Di website ini juga ada komik dengan cerita yang tidak diterbitkan di majalah re:ON. Saya baru ada baca komik dengan judul Chrysalis . Ceritanya lumayan menarik juga dengan gambar full colour. Bercerita tentang seorang agen rahasia menjalankan tugasnya namun kematian sangat dekat dengan dirinya. Sampai2 ada dibuat trailer videonya loooo. Karena saya baik hati dengan kalian maka saya akan membrikan link videonya dsni

Mungkin sekian review kali ini.. Dukung terus komik Indonesia dan jgan lupa beli re:ON ya.. (`・ω・´)”
Btw kapan hari yang jualan di stand re:ON lumayan cantik n jago amat jualannya hahaha. Harusnya minta pin BB ato nomer hape
Cwe yg Kanan (*°∀°)=3

Sekian dan Terimakasih !!!! \( `.∀´)/

Sep 11, 2013

Anime Festival Indonesia 2013 - the first day

hello everyone ヽ(;▽;)ノ
Now i will tell u my experience in AFA (Anime Festival Asia) yeyyy
its located in Jakarta Convention Center and at 6-8 September. of course its in Jakarta 
i have once went to Jakarta but its when im 3 years old or u can say totally forgot lol 。゚(TヮT)゚。
i came to Jakarta all alone u know (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)

ok go back to AFA, at first day or i called it first lucky day (´∀`)♡
the redemption ticket start at 09.30 but i came late at 11.00
lucky me its just open n i dont need to waiting long
coz my queue its special or seller with less people who bought hahahaha
its RAINING when im waiting !!! damn the weather ヽ(#`Д´)ノ
but when the raining started an old woman in front of me lend her umbrella
OMG an angel appeared in front of me hahaha (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

Look at the Queue lol

My Ticket 

when im inside the AFA im totally forgot to be cool#slapped
i went to gunpla n looking the gundam like a child lol (人´∀`*)

both really cools right !!!! \(^ω^\)

after that im looking around to another booth
so many people and the price for figure or clothes are expensive
but its once a year so why not hahahahha

Mirai Motorcycle !!
its just display, i didnt buy it lol

Fullmetal Alchemist Glass !!!
looks kawaii right :p
i have bought t shirt n another but im forgot to take the pict hahah
N i have bought many comics but next time i will share and review
mostly Indo comics wowowowo#slapped
so plis wait ok

and the cosplay OMG !!! fakin awesome (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
i will share the best or not blur one lol


Cross-dresser (◎ヮ◎)

Dunno what is this lol

Bezita !!!!

now i want to share bout the cafe
Moe-moe cafe n atelier royale
the food price of course really horror hahahahha
i was ordered choc cake n the tasty isnt bad
first the maid who served me was yuki
shes beautiful n loli
but the atmosphere very awkward with her. honestly  !!
dunno why hahahha..
n the second maid who came was comi (。’▽’。)♡
OMG shes very super kawaii
looks like KPP or tsukiyo in TWGOK
funny n she asked me to play a game
jankenpon lol but with some "movement" 
"janken janken ippai" im forget hahahah
i want ask her phone but cannot coz the rule n my face looks like perverted hahaha  (。-_-。 )人( 。-_-。)
i bear called hentai face for a long time #slapped
but i got picture with comi comi with 50k rupiah ヾ(・ω・*)ノ

Like KPP Right !?
hope can met her again and friend with her
i love unique people hahahahah#slapped

the last thing that i want to tell is the concert
i saw eir aoi, aya hirano n may'n
aya hirano so kawaii n super cute. shes seiyuu of lucy in fairy tail n misa in death note  (。♥‿♥。)
i dont care bout hirano scandal. thats her life n i dont want to care
may'n so cool !!! n she can speak english ayayayayay#slapped
i have download may'n-Vivid.. its cool !!!
eir aoi voice brrrr.. love it.. i like when she singing yui-Gloria
n the best song of course innocence hahahah
i cannot took the photo coz its forbidden to take the photo
so just imagine it ok :p

thats all for my first day at AFA, its 10 hours in AFA u know 

see u at my next share at third day AFA n review comics 
