
Sep 13, 2013

Anime Festival Indonesia - Third Day

hello everybody   (。・ω・)ノ゙
miss me already ??? i hope so hahahah#slapped
sorry for the late post about my next experience in AFA (Anime Festival Asia)
u know la, im a busy person hahaha#slapped

ok so lets start the story of my lonely boy gone to AFA jeng jeng jeng  ヾ(。´・_●・`。)☆
as usual,i came late coz the traffic in Jakarta really super busy
i came at 13.00 and i cant watching puella madoka magica movie 2 щ(ಠ益ಠщ)
my mood really bad, so i better looking for the next show in stage

the main stage was BIMA !!! its like kamen rider version Indonesia
im always watching BIMA show at sunday morning. i hope u watching it too, its so cool n the story become more interesting hahahaha.
in stage theres Reino R Barrack(writer of Bima), ishimori crew(dunno his name), Bima actor without StellaJKT48
From left to right :
Danny, Stella, Reino, Crew Ishimori, Rayhan, Adhitya

Bima Costume

Sorry because the photo is blur. i took it from far away and theres so many people. The real costume really shiny n gallant. This show really made my mood up (-^〇^-)

After that im went  walking around for the booth especially Sword Art Online and Madoka. Theres no interesting in Madoka booth, maybe because no accesories that i want hahahaha. In SAO booth i need to queue coz theres so much people wanna come to this booth. So when waiting i took some photo at display
Kirito Blade (1)

Kirito Blade (2)

Asuna Blade

i wanna bought it but its not for sale. Poor me huhuhuhu ((T.T; )
ahh, i bought 1 accesory from SAO booth.
Asuna Keychains

After satisfied in both booth, i went to food market. So hungry la
i have tested 1 beef rice (forgot the sop name) and its sooooooo tasty. u can get it for 32000 Rupiah. i just remembered the shop began since 1890's. i wanna test that beef again. sorry forget to took the photo. really hungry la. XD

I wanna go to maid cafe again but the queue as usual very long. But i miss comi already (*°∀°)=3 huhuhuhu.. And i remembered my wallet got malnutrition. So maybe i went up and watching new Conan movie : Private Eye in the Distant Sea to save my money. The villain really easy to guess it. So easy, people like me can guess it right. And the story i said was standard. I dunno but the stage really cold !!! i cant stand it. Better went to maid cafe and play jankenpon again with comy :3
Cover Conan Movie

I will share some cosplay photo in Sunday. Looks amazing and more of people than Friday


Kamen Rider

Moe Maid

Dunno What lol

Ninja in Naruto

Richfield ! Cool Rite

Thats to bad that i must go to airport. Ahhh i dont wanna leave AFA 。・゚゚・(>д<)・゚゚・。
I just playing for 4 hours in AFA and i cannot seen Danny choo session n cosplay competition. huaaaa...

The last thing that i want tell is bout Otaku Unite lol (・∀・)
Its flashback when friday,the first day AFA. Theres a guy who lost his doll, 2 dolls. I heard it was limited edition. So in exit gate he told everyone to help him looking his dolls and whoever found it will be rewarded 1million rupiah or 100$ !!! Thats very lot right. Afterthat when Sunday, i met him with his doll in his shoulder and hes smiling. The doll has founded lol. What interesting is he send letter to Indonesia ambassador and he proud with people that helping him,mostly Otaku i think :p
This is the link of the letter
After read it im proud to be an Otaku. Thats why i call it Otaku Unite ☆*・゜゚・*\(^O^)/*・゜゚・*☆

Thats all for the story of the third day AFA. I just wanna share my experience to u all !!

Arigatou, ja ne (。・ω・)ノ゙


  1. itu kenapa maidnya bawa tas ._.

  2. gak tau juga ya hahaha. keknya dia ada ikut di stand makeup gitu
    mslahnya di bagian sana banyak cwe2 dari jepang yg pake style jepang gitu
